Четырехногий робот-гепард Cheetah, разработанный при участии специалистов DARPA, поставил рекорд – пробежал по беговой дорожке со скоростью около 30 км/ч. Для машины,разработка которой началась всего год назад, – это очень впечатляющий результат. Впереди еще большее достижение: скорость более 100 км/ч. Таким образом, военные получат надежного механического разведчика и посыльного, который практически не уступает по скорости настоящему гепарду.
Робот Cheetah сделан на основе биомеханики, т.е. копирует движения и устройство живых существ. В качестве движителей используются острые ноги-ножи, как у краба, которые не вязнут в песке, не скользят по льду и позволяют передвигаться с высокой скоростью практически по любой поверхности. В будущем скоростные наземные роботы, четырехногие «гепарды» и двуногие «страусы», смогут осуществлять стремительный прорыв сквозь оборону противника, доставлять на передовую боеприпасы и снаряжение, развертывать сети связи и т.д.
Robot cheetah set a speed record
Quadruped cheetah, Cheetah, developed with the participation of specialists DARPA,
set a record - ran on a treadmill at a speed of 30 km / h For cars, the development of which began just a year ago - this is a very impressive result. There is still a great achievement: the speed of 100 km / h Thus, the military will have a good mechanical scout and messenger, which is almost equal to the present rate of cheetah.
set a record - ran on a treadmill at a speed of 30 km / h For cars, the development of which began just a year ago - this is a very impressive result. There is still a great achievement: the speed of 100 km / h Thus, the military will have a good mechanical scout and messenger, which is almost equal to the present rate of cheetah.
Cheetah robot is made on the basis of biomechanics, ie copies the movement and the unit of living things. As the movers use of sharp knives legs like a crab, do not get stuck in the sand, do not slip on the ice and can move at high speeds on almost any surface.In the future, high-speed terrestrial robots, four-legged "cheetahs" and the two-legged "ostriches", will be able to rapidly break through enemy defenses, to deliver to the front ammunition and equipment, deploy, communication networks and etc.
The video is not entirely clear in which direction runs Cheetah, because his legs are bent in the opposite direction. But it is worth paying attention to another important feature: the robot body is bent in time to pitch the same way as in the living cheetah.This is a great achievement of engineering - it allows you to increase the force of repulsion from the surface and to maintain balance while running at high speed.Equipped with sophisticated sensors, the system quickly getting up in the event of a fall (such as a robot AlphaDog), rugged, Cheetah will be a completely new type of high-speed combat vehicle. Like most modern robots, the new car has a serious problem: the power supply. While there are no reliable high-capacity batteries, which provide a great deal of turn, and lightweight. But most of all, this problem will be solved in the coming decades, and we will see a revolutionary breakthrough in equipping troops robotic fighting machines.
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